Women Performing Ritual in the Forest



the ripple effect

breathwork. permaculture. community. remembrance.

7 days for YOU to be YOU on the Island of Hawai'i

Oct 14 - 20, 2023


breathe in the cleanest air

walk in lush forests

swim in sparkling waters

and hike volcanic landscapes


when was the last time you got to focus souly on yourSelf?

The Ripple Effect Retreat is your invitation to:

✓ Reset your nervous system

✓ Feel seen, heard and cared for

✓ Clarify the next chapter of your life

✓ Let go of anything holding you back

✓ Explore the magical island of Hawai'i

✓ Make life-long friends on a similar journey

✓ Disconnect from the distractions of daily life

✓ Be encouraged and held accountable to continue your practices,

with self-compassion for when you don't

If you're tired of feeling like a "lone wolf" and want to experience freedom while also being supported, this retreat is for you.

This is more than your average ‘retreat’.

This is a rite of passage. An initiation. A journey to return home to your true and authentic self. You will leave feeling renewed, inspired and back in love with life.

Beginning on the powerful New Moon + Solar Eclipse in Libra, this week is offers a powerful and potent energy for change. Making space for beauty, balance, and harmony to ripple outwards.

It's a life-changing experience, all for you.

Are you ready for an unforgettable adventure?


when you create a difference in yourself, you not only impact your life, you impact everyone influenced by you, throughout your entire lifetime.

no act is ever too small.

one by one,

this is how to make an ocean rise.

who this is for :

✓ People seeking balance in their relationship with self and relationships with others

✓ People who want to learn how to self and co-regulate

✓ Anyone who struggles with conflict resolution, self expression, and setting healthy boundaries

✓ Those who seek to transmute their wounds into their superpowers

✓ Those who wish to experience breathing the freshest air in the world and developing deep communion with the Earth sans distractions of the modern technologically focused world.

✓ Those who wish to learn about sustainable living, food sovereignty, and to get to experience farm to table cuisine.

✓ Friends, sisters, mothers/daughters, couples who want to do this type of work together to become more intimate.

who this is not for :

✗ Anyone expecting quick fixes - the focus here is allowing space for inner wisdom to emerge of its own accord

✗ Anyone who is not open to spirituality and self healing

✗ Anyone who isn’t willing to dive deep, do the work and level up their lives.

✗ People who are not interested in rustic and simple off-grid living.

Women Performing Ritual in the Forest

all inclusive activities

Meals and Accommodations:

+ 3 daily Ayurvedic meals, snacks, water, tea and coffee all day

+ 6 nights, 7 days accommodations and access to all communal spaces and facilities

Workshops and Classes:

+ Foundational permaculture education

+ Daily meditation, breathwork and yoga workshops

+ A powerful letting go Fire Ceremony

+ Death and Rebirth Ritual

+ Week long Ice bath Access

+ so much more


+ Day trip to Papakōlea Green Sand Beach

+ Private tour of Big Island Farm Animal Sanctuary

+ Day Trip to Volcano National Park


+ Free time to just exist: time for naps, walks, journaling and integration

Guidance and Support:

+ Guidance and support from facilitator Briana from beginning to end including two group calls: a *preparation zoom call before and *integration zoom call after

Woman Performing Ritual in the Forest

why go away?

so you can come back.

so that you can see the place you came from with new eyes and extra colors.

and the people there see you differently too.

coming back to where you started is not the same as never leaving.


Earthsong is a nature retreat, ecological community, and 501c3 organization on the Big Island of Hawai'i. Founded in 1990, it promotes sustainability, spiritual growth, and living in harmony with nature. The 3-acre retreat features eco-friendly accommodations and a lush tropical food forest. For more information, visit: earthsongfoundation.org

room configurations

There are four types of sleeping arrangements available

Each has access to all communal spaces and facilities

Tier 1 - Twin Beds in Shared Space

5 available

Tier 2 - Queen Beds in Shared Space

3 available

Tier 3 - Private Rooms

2 available

Black Friday Sold Out Icon

Tier 4 - Private House

0 available

Woman Standing Barefooted in the Forest

join us

Come to Hawai'i and leave with lifelong skills to create peace and ease within your mind, body and soul.

You’ll learn how to create a daily practice for yourself and access deep states of bliss anywhere, anytime for the rest of your life.


We'll explore conscious connected breathing techniques to activate your body's innate relaxation response, release tension, access altered states, and awaken your body's innate wisdom.

Through breathwork we invite inner healing, clarity and expansion of consciousness.


Daily sitting and walking meditation practices will cultivate mindfulness, presence and peace of mind. We will explore various techniques to quiet the chattering mind and open to inspiration from within.

Meditation nourishes us with acceptance, courage and joy.


Our fluid yoga flows will move energy freely through the body, improve balance and flexibility, and invoke a meditative state of being in the present moment.

Yoga helps us cultivate self-compassion, body wisdom and inner strength.


We'll cover the fundamentals of permaculture design for applying sustainability principles to any human habitat. Topics will include backyard permaculture, food forests, water harvesting, solar and more.

You'll gain practical skills for living in greater harmony with the Earth and her magik.



On a forest walk, we activate our connection to Earth through senses wide open.

Boundaries between self and world begin to dissolve as we attune to the living spirits around us.

We realize we are not separate from this sacred land we walk upon. Our identity expands into the web of life that we have always been part of.


Vibrations will gently guide you into an expanded state of consciousness.

As unwelcome thoughts fade, a sense of stillness, peace and rejuvenation may arise.

The effects of this immersion in sound can ripple out afterwards - filling you with greater ease, clarity and presence to spread care into the world.


A powerful fire ceremony where you face and release the fears, beliefs and past traumas that have been holding you back from being your best self.

Held in circle, this ceremony has had a profound effect. Get ready to burn whatever no longer serves you and take the next big step into becoming your best self.


You bury an aspect of your old self that no longer serves - a painful memory, an outdated dream, a wound that will not heal. Then, we rise from "the underworld" renewed, having made peace with our past and make way for the new.

During this ceremony you’ll create a vision of your new life after the retreat.

This is just the beginning for you, the magic continues when you go back home.



Petting, playing and quietly being with these sweet souls allows them to teach us about opening our hearts beyond the small circle of "human" concerns. We're reminded that awareness lives within all beings, yearning simply to live and love.

Spending time within this sanctuary of selfless loving kindness nourishes our own innate capacity for compassion.

The healing that happens here ripples far beyond the fences containing these rescued animals - extending to renew our willingness to create a kinder world.


Walking along the otherworldly green shoreline, gathering up warm olivine sand mixed with ash from ancient volcanic eruptions, we're reminded that we humans are made of the same stardust and earthstuff as this amazing planet we call home.

Letting the waves wash over our feet cultivates gratitude for the bodies that carry us through this life. Time on this enchanted land nourishes our inner reconnection with the Sacred Feminine - animating our renewal, flow and receptivity.

Aerial Photography of Masaya Volcano National Park in Nicaragua


Hiking through ancient volcanic forces, we remember our own origins in the Earth's creative fire.

The same molten energies that birthed life also give rise to our every thought and emotion.

Gazing into the lava invites us to remember the wellspring of wisdom and creative power within - waiting to manifest through us into healing and beauty in the world.

Time in this crucible of regeneration nourishes our capacity to birth the sacred self arising within.

Woman Dancing a Ritual

the activities, exercises and ceremonies we offer are meant as invitations - you participate as much or little as feels right for you. there are no wrong choices here, only what serves your highest good in this moment.

discover it all.

Moments are waiting to be collected.

off-grid accommodations

reflection pool

hawai'ian sunrises & sunsets

day trips and excursions

beach time



new friends

farm to table ayurvedic meals

free time to just exist


breathwork healing

and literally so much more...

the best week of your life awaits

about your facilitators

Briana Pharos @beautyandbreath is a ceremonial artist and retreat leader who specializes in somatic and expanded-state work. She is dedicated to facilitating self-discovery, healing and expansion for the soul.

After overcoming burnout as a hairdresser, she discovered the transformative power of breathwork and energy healing - revealing her true calling.

Informed by her own healing journey and a decade of extensive training in various modalities, Briana assists clients in discovering their authentic selves. Through breathwork, meditation, bodywork, transformational coaching, and creative expression, she helps to activate clients' inner wisdom to unlock freedom, joy and meaning in every aspect of life.

With sincere empathy and a lighthearted spirit, Briana holds space for deep self-reflection and release of past burdens in a supportive space. Her facilitation style has been described as "a gift and catalyst for healing and truth, so gentle yet potent."

When Briana is not guiding clients within, you'll find her surrounded by her loved ones. She enjoys painting and journaling, going to the park with her godson, going out to karaoke, and long hikes with her beloved dog, Milo - renewing her energy so she can continue empowering others on their healing journeys.

Briana's journey is one of remembering - and she feels honored to walk beside others seeking the same. With trust, patience and playfulness, she joyfully joins you on the sacred path Home, back to yourself.

Ryan and Elena @earthsonghawaii are the devoted stewards of Earthsong Nature Retreat Center, a nature sanctuary and 501c3 non-profit organization on Hawaii's Big Island.

In 2021, Elena and Ryan took on the role of stewards after Elena's Denver wellness center closed due to the events of the 2020 pandemic. During their two-year stewardship, they have focused on regenerating the food forest and restoring the retreat center, while also hosting six retreats and trainings thus far.

Earthsong, a not-for-profit organization, offers holistic classes, permaculture education, and donates the food grown on-site to the local community. As an Earth Ashram, Earthsong holds nature in high esteem as the Master Teacher and Spiritual Guide.

Both Ryan and Elena are massage therapists and yoga teachers, with Ryan being a Certified Permaculture Designer who previously built a homestead in Panama, where they first met. Ryan is also an Ayurvedic specialist, and our chef for this retreat - the majority of what we will be eating is from the land herself!

To show gratitude to the land that sustains all, visitors are encouraged to engage in both theoretical and hands-on permaculture practices, ensuring they leave with the experience of working with the soil and, hopefully, a deeper connection to the Earth. Earth Magik is an integral part of their permaculture approach, emphasizing the development of a profound communion with the elements.


"I was blessed enough to spend a retreat weekend with Briana in Oregon 2 years ago. In hindsight, that weekend was the catalyst to profound transformation. I've been inspired in ways I never could have predicted. I've had the courage to go beyond my comfort zone, leading me down beautiful new paths..one fascinating synchronicity at a time. I know that the energy, education, and presence Briana gifted us with, is what activated the power and impactfulness of my experience. I will always treasure it."

Karen West - Mother, Wife

Breathwork Facilitator

Advanced Reiki Practitioner

PSYCH-K(R) Facilitator

“I started working with Bri because I wanted to learn how to breathe in an intentional way. What I didn’t realize was how powerful it would be to use breath as a tool for integrating and processing the parts of life that feel the hardest, and through my work with Bri, I worked through some very major personal challenges. Learning breathwork taught me about maximizing my energetic potential, and Bri was there to teach, coach, give insight and hold space for transformation to occur. She is a gentle and powerful person who creates an environment of safety and non-judgement so that anyone who wants to learn to breathe can do it at their own pace. I am so grateful for this work.”

Roxie Jane Hunt

Mother, Priestess, Hairstylist, Author, Creator of Free Your Hair Brush + Blood Spiral Mystery School

"Briana's energy is a really wonderful combination of warm & nurturing as well as grounded and safe….which is really important in being supported in a retreat atmosphere. She brings a wealth of knowledge and is so thoughtful with her offerings from start to finish.

The retreat she facilitated PROFOUNDLY changed my life....it's absolutely a benchmark moment of personal growth and positive change...Thank you so much for that, Bri."

Kelly Outlaw

Make Up Artist, Mom,

Brand Experience Coordinator

for Style Rituals

Woman in the Forest

"I had a very rapid series of images of my whole childhood from birth to age 7 and could see the that the stuck places that l've focused so much of my healing work on were embedded and surrounded by so many moments of love and safety. All of these left me with a greater ability to access support, peace, and love in contrast to the frequent fixation I have on seeing the moments of pain and heartbreak. I am an EMDR therapist and outside of EMDR and psychedelics have never experienced such rapid and profound integration of the healing and power that emits and exists from traumatic events when they are able to be safely integrated. I attribute this hugely to the space you hold. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you."

Asked to Remain Anonymous

press play to hear about a recent retreat experience at Earthsong....

Women Reading Tarot Cards

invest in yourself

Price differences are based on the amenities of each bed. Prices listed include the entire retreat experience, not just lodging. See below for pricing exclusions.

Say YES now to reserve your spot for $200 off!

This offer expires August 31!

Tier 1 - Twin Beds in Shared Space

5 available

$1790 $1590 for one

Tier 2 - Queen Beds in Shared Space

3 available

$1970 $1770 for one

$3230 $3030 for two willing to share a bed

Tier 3 - Private Rooms


$2150 $1950 for one

$3410 $3210 for two

willing to share a bed

Tier 4 - Private House

0 available

1 King, Private Bathroom

Sold Out Icon

Save your place with a 50% deposit or pay in full

not included

✗ flights to Kona, HI and travel insurance (required)

transport from airport to Earthsong (a little less than 2 hours from Kona airport there is a free bus or you can pay for an Uber - upon sign up you'll be added to a private what's app to coordinate ride/bus shares)

massage offerings (read more here) from the EarthSong Stewards

optional activities or treatments not specified in the retreat program

dinner at volcano house in volcanic national park

consistent Wi-Fi and internet access

✗ swimming pool or traditional recreational facilities

for those who would like to come a day early or stay longer book separately with EarthSong

food/snacks outside of what is already provided

when we focus our energy towards constructing a passionate, meaningful life, we are tossing a pebble into the world, creating a beautiful ripple effect of inspiration.

when one person follows a dream, tries something new or takes a daring leap, everyone nearby feels that energy, and before too long they are making their own daring leaps and inspiring yet another circle.


Is the retreat suitable for beginners?

Yes, the retreat welcomes participants of all levels, including beginners. The facilitator will provide guidance and support throughout the various activities to ensure a safe and transformative experience for everyone.

What if I have dietary restrictions?

Our retreat chef will do his best to accommodate any dietary restrictions or preferences. It is your responsibility to let us know ahead of time.

What should I bring with me to the retreat?

It is recommended to bring comfortable clothing for yoga and meditation, sturdy shoes for nature excursions, a reusable water bottle, sunscreen, insect repellent, and a journal or notebook for personal reflection. Inside the welcome packet there will be a comprehensive packing list.

Can I share a bed with a friend?

Yes! Double bookings take priority. Please note each guest must fill out a seperate application form and mention the friend in the form so we know you're booking together.

Do you have a payment plan?

Yes, depending on how far the retreat is away. You can save your place with a 50% deposit, then pay the remainder in two parts, 120 and 60 days before the retreat start date. Please note, the deposit is non-refundable after 14 days.

For full details, check out terms and conditions linked in the last FAQ below.

Are flights included?

You are responsible for making your way to the retreat destination. Kona Airport, also known as Ellison Onizuka Kona International Airport at Keāhole is the airport to arrive to, and we will pass on airport transfer recommendations as we get closer.

Do I need travel insurance for this retreat?

Yes valid travel insurance for your trip is a requirement to attend. 

Is there free time on the retreat?

Yes, three out of the seven days between 12-3 you will have free time for lunch and to explore, with other windows of time during the retreat where you can choose to be alone and do what you like. At the start of the week you will be given a full schedule of all activities and timeframes.

Is drinking/alcohol or drug use, including cannabis allowed?

To maintain a safe, healing and grounded space - this retreat is a completely sober retreat.

We are strict on this policy, and we ask that you respect this boundary throughout the experience.

What is your refund policy? 

Please click here to read the terms & conditions.

sample food menu for the week

Breakfast (served daily):

Overnight oats with almond milk, chia seeds, and a variety of toppings such as fresh fruits, nuts, and seeds

Homemade nut butter on the side

Freshly squeezed orange juice

Potential Lunch Options:

Roasted vegetable and lentil soup with a side of mixed greens and sprouted grain bread

Quinoa salad with roasted vegetables, avocado, and a lemon-tahini dressing

Vegetable medley with brown rice

Potential Dinner Options:

Chickpea curry with basmati rice and steamed seasonal greens

Mixed bean and vegetable stew with a side of quinoa pilaf

Stir-fried vegetables and brown rice noodles


Fresh fruit platter with a variety of local tropical fruits

Raw vegetable sticks with homemade hummus or almond butter dip


Herbal teas such as ginger, chamomile, or mint

Infused water with cucumber and mint

*Please note that the menu will be prepared with a focus on Ayurvedic principles, including plant-based ingredients and minimal use of processed foods. The specific dishes and ingredients may vary based on seasonal availability and the expertise of Ryan, the Ayurvedic specialist overseeing the dietary aspects of the retreat.

sample daily schedule

  • Morning practice
  • Breakfast
  • Workshop or Free time
  • Lunch
  • Free time or excursion
  • Workshop
  • Dinner
  • Evening meditation or ceremony

Each day will have a particular theme for a full mind/body/spirit reset.

At the start of the week you will be given a full schedule of all activities and timeframes.

As the healing effects of inner work ripple outwards, you will leave feeling more grounded, centered, and aligned with your true nature.

. *Please note that the actual schedule will vary and specific activities may be subject to change based on attendees, the retreat facilitator's discretion, and weather conditions.

Women Performing Ritual in the Forest

There is a beautiful ripple effect that takes place when you love yourself. Your children learn how to love themselves; they teach their children how to love themselves and so on and so forth and look at that, you have done your part to heal an entire lineage of people!